St Peter's Logo

Essex Association of Change Ringers

St. Peter's Great Totham




The Ringers

The Bells


Peals & Quarter Peals

Bell Ringing Q&A

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions.

Why are church bells rung?
They are rung before a service to "call" people to worship. We may be asked to ring for weddings, funerals and other commemorative occasions.

How long does it take to learn how to ring the bells?
Like any other musical instrument the time taken varies person to person. It could be six months, a year or so before the standard of ringing is such that you would be asked to ring on a Sunday morning.

Is it compulsory to ring on a Sunday morning?
No but we like to welcome as many ringers as possible. You do not have to attend the service after ringing but you would be welcome to do so.

What about my age?
It is never too late to start ringing! The minimum age is about 12 to 13 but this would depend upon height, as you have to be able to reach the rope when the bell is stood on the backstroke whilst standing on a box. Please note that anyone under eighteen will require parental permission before learning to ring.

How much does it cost?
Initially nothing, however once you have reached a certain standard you will be asked if you wish to join the Essex Association of Change Ringers. The annual membership is £8. If you go on a tower outing then there is a small charge per person at each tower visited. We wear red Polo Shirts, with a St. Peter's Church logo for ringing on a Sunday morning.

Does it matter if I cannot read music?
No we learn methods from a diagram. Once you can correctly handle a bell the next step would be ring ring rounds, call changes and then methods.

If you require any further information then you can contact us via the form below.


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